Looking back over the years I have encountered some amazing people. We all have our quirks, obsessions, addictions, and lacks there of, but we also have our dreams, specialties, achievements, and talents that makes the friends and enemies all the same. One friendship that has stood the test of time has been with my one and only sister. We may bicker, fight, and argue, but when it truly comes down to it, our love stands the test of time. We have been playmates, teachers, coaches, judges, and cheerleaders. And when outside friendships start to blossom I have  my true love’s friendship to measure what it really means to be a friend and a sister.

Those who have come and gone in my life have had some impact on my life! We have traveled, danced, cried, laughed, fought, loved and hated! But we were friends we listened, screamed, advised, deterred, taunted, and embarrassed! We spoiled, pampered, deprived, and borrowed without returning. But we were friends/ sisters even. What we did to each other no one else could do. When new people entered the circle they were initiated. Some were welcomed and some ran for the hills. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without those that came in my life to love, like, hate, and destroy me. Some are friends, some are associates, some are just plain enemies, but God made them for you to learn and experience from each and every one of them.

Have you ever noticed how television/ movies/ art imitate life? Have your ever took a real life friendship and compared to one on TV? Growing up it seemed to be a normal thing to like certain movies or watch certain shows because they represented something in a friendship growing up.

Partners in Crime! -The Friendship where you would do any thing and everything together. Protecting each other from harm and humiliation. You would literally jump off a cliff with your best friend! (Thelma & Louis)

The Girlfriends– You’ve  known each other for some time and depend on each other in some way or another. You live your own lives but make a way to include each other in life events and special occasions.

The Besties – You dream of growing old together, getting married and being the maid of honor at each others weddings and having babies together. Wow!! What a joke!!!

The Girls – Your established, married, kids, career, but yet time for the girls, an escape from the madness of real life. Cocktails, food, and fashion. Far from reality!! But a Lovely dream.

The Fakers – Your best friends for birth it seems and the smallest dumbest issues breaks up a life long friendship never to return to its existence.

The “Golden” Girls- When your husbands are dead and your kids are grown and your too lonely to live by yourself you move in with the last few women in your life you can tolerate on a daily bases!! lol Learning the next phase in life …..

Each show portrays a small amount of truth to what life can offer you. What are you open to? What hurts and pasts are you willing to forgive? If your friends with those you love nothing ie: pride, words, small dumb things should never get in the way of the love you once shared. If you have broken a friends heart step up and apologize and if its worth a friendship to them they will forgive you. But sometimes friendships are for a season and are best kept as a wonderful memory! But all friendships good and bad shape you into the person you are today, embrace those that come and go!!

Pray for Me!


When the time hits you where everything and everyone is coming against you!! Pray.

When nothing is working and you are doing your best to keep things together!! Pray and believe.

When you lose the most important people in your life and you feel all alone!! Pray and believe they are with you.

When you feel like quitting and running away from all of your troubles and pain!! Pray and believe they are with you praying for you.

I am not alone.

You are not alone.

We are not alone.

God is with us.

God is in us.

God is for us.

Believe and receive the power of God.

He is the author and finisher of your life!!

Blessing to you and me!


Most girls grow up dreaming about getting married, having kids, and a carreer…a little dated and maybe out-of-order but we all dream of having a family or someone to grow old with. As the last Glass born in my family I feel compelled to settle down. My Grandmother is 85 and has yet to see any great grandkids but has several great nieces and nephews, and great greats …and  great great greats…as she ages it saddens me to know she may never know her great grands and that they may never know what an amazing person I have in my life. Love me some Grammy Ida! (Please keep her in your prayers) Thank you!!

I have grown up with TV show portraying the “perfect”/ dysfunctional family from the Cosby Show to Married with Children. But they all had the same theme that you don’t see today, a mother and a father. And as much as they may love and fight their purpose was to work and provide for their family. Clair from the Cosby show was a successful lawyer and Al from at least had a job no matter how bad he hated it. 

Growing up my parents worked very hard to provide us with anything and everything, education, dance, sports, vacations, and anything we asked. I can say we were spoiled but not “SPOILED BRATS”.  We truly worked together as a team most of the time to make sure everyone was ok. When parents were working my grandmother’s were there and big sister help to fill their big shoes. Still today if anyone of us is in need there is no question that one of us will try their best to fix it.

As I get older,  I begin to realize what I want out of a spouse or a mate. Kids are important to me, but I want to raise my own and not someone elses, baby mama drama is always DRAMA. Men are and have been having kids at earlier ages and being one without kids, it’s becoming a challenge to find the guy I want. I am not an avid church goer but I would like to with my spouse. I am not as healthy as I would like to be but I am working on it and would like the same in my spouse. I socially drink and do not smoke.  The things I thought I could put up with seem to test me when I go out with someone now a days. Confidence is attractive by cocky isn’t, education is attractive but so is street smart. No everyone has common sence so that just makes that man I’m looking for even more scarce. Family is important but not a mama’s boy. A hard worker but not one who doesnt know how to balance life, work, and living.  Someone who is supportive of my goals but also has goals of their own. I am a giving person and spoil the people around me how I treat my man should reflect how he treats me. (why does this sound like a profile for a dating site).

A friendship, a relationship, a marriage, an adventure, a family a journey! What better way to start the next chapter of my life! I can only believe in Gods plan for me and wait patiently for how my life will pan out. But until that day all I do is promise to be patient and always say “Thank you God” for my husband and my family!! I know I have a lot of growing up to do and when I have my time will come for me to settle down.


To Lend and Not borrow would be my ideal life! I can say my debt is low when it comes to credit cards and such but when it comes to school loans and money loans it makes my skin crawl to know how much I owe. I have always been the good one about money in my family. I have always been there to help anyone in need if I have it, so to see my self in this position today shows a small level of irresponsibility. As much as I love my job, everyone’s dream is to have the ability to bring in money and not have to work a 9 -5 everyday. My dream in life is to be the one that people can come to for help, to be DEBT FREE, my parents were that way and so were my grandparents.

This past year I gave my parents a car, what a great feeling and now they don’t have to do anything but maintain it and put gas in it (taxes and insurance are paid). My goal in life is to come to my parents with the deed to their house. Then buy them whatever they want, pay ALL of their bills, and send them to where ever they wish to go; with Cash of course. To take care of my parents is just a small way to say thank you for all they have done for me, a way to show them what they have done to impact  my life.  Its says “Owe no man but to love him” in God’s word. So the longer I stay in debt the longer I live in sin.  I pray to be DEBT Free and Thank God that I shall Owe no man!! 🙂 Only my Testimony will tell!

Philippians 4:19

And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.


Malachi 3:10

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.”Malachi 3:10

1 Timothy 6:10

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.


In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’




The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.



VISION BOARD PART 2: A Place to Call Home by Stacey Glass

I call those things that be not as though they were, I now call the property that fits my needs and desires and will be a blessing to me. I CALL YOU TO ME NOW IN JESUS’ NAME! I declare that God’s highest and best is done in this matter and the angel are now working on my behalf. (Rom. 4:17) God’s Creative Power by Charles Capps

I have looked at homes all of my life, new ones, old ones, modern contempory….I have always been a fan of Architechture and home designs. So lets at this to my Vision and see what my testimony will be.















My home would be light and airy, windows for walls surrounded by a scene out of a picture book. Rooms for everyone, and land for my pets. We would swim day and night and relax and party. Whats most important is that my family is with me to enjoy a space like this. It could be anywhere in the world just as long as my family is with me. But its time I call a place my own!!!!  God can do anything!!

Dream Big!!


God’s Word (The Bible) says something to the effect of: ” Without vision the people will perish” and “Write it down and make it plain”

Well I have decided to start a live vision board..where it will take me will be my testimony!




2013 LOTUS2013 Lotus Eterne – A four-door car that is to compete against the growing market of fat-ass supercars. Will share the 5.0 Supercharged V8 with 611 Hp




 The Fisker Karma is capable of 112 combined mpg, 51.6 miles on pure battery propulsion, and 26 combined mpg in range-extended driving at about $100, 000.






So my love for cars is actually my Daddy’s fault and I truly thank him for it!! Before the Z’s he had a 1970 Oldsmobile 442, that he then gave to my Grammy to drive. So my experience for the first 10 years of my life was the ride of my life, with my Grammy in her Burgundy Mist Poly, vinyl top, leather bound seats 442. Men would always say  “that’s an awful lot of power for such a little lady”. My Grammy stood about 5ft and sat on phone books when she drove. So when I was about 16, my Grammy past away and my uncle sold my lovely car for $300 to a neighbors son. OMG. For the last umpteen years I have tried to find this car, I know his name is Johnson but how many people do you know with the last name Johnson. I will find this car and he will sell it back to me (God Willing). This car hold a lot of memories….like me biting my sister on the arm when we were sitting in the back seat one time…

So if anyone knows the whereabouts of this lovely car…please contact me asap!!!

Thank you very much!




Shaq’s Allstar Comedy Jam with Courvoisier by Stacey Glass

It’s my sister and I, and we are headed out for girls night of comedy and Courvoisier at the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Center!

This was a night for adults only!!! If you have seen any other comedy show like “Def Comedy Jam” or the real versions of “Kings or Queens of Comedy” then you know what I mean when I say ADULTS ONLY; any and every topic that should not be discussed at the dinner table was addressed.

The night started off with some Youtube sensations that tried their best to entertain, but by the time the last one took the stage, the crowd grew anxious and actually booed the lady comedian off the stage. DeRay Davis was the host and “BIG Tigger” was the DJ.  The line up includes Michale Blackson, Capone, Gary Owen, and Corey Holcomb.

DeRay Davis, best known for his role as the Hustle man in “Barber Shop I &II” and his reoccurring role on Nick Cannon’s Wild N’ Out, was light on his feet as he cracked jokes and clowned on the audience. A man in “skirturtle” neck was one of his targets of the evening. He even found it easy to crack on recent celebrity rap artist Drake…easy target!!!

BIG Tigger, was hot on the ones and twos, as he played all the latest rap and hip hop music as the comedians transitioned on and off stage. The guys were so funny at times Big Tig.. couldn’t stand on stage without laughing at most of the jokes. He was seen running off stage often to keep from distracting the comics and the audience.

It’s Michale Blackson’s birthday! “The African King of Comedy”  came out in a traditional African outfit, but did a quick wardrobe change and just ran with it. He didn’t shy away from cracking jokes on where he was from, how black his family was, how he got his name, and getin’ down with the big ones, the ugly ones, and the oh so skinny ones. He even tried to sing the Star Spangle Banner.  He left no one out and kept the crowd laughing in tears.

Capone, “The Gangsta of Comedy” kept the ball rolling with cracks and jokes on every race of woman, from Black, Asian, Spanish to White. He left rock no rock unturned when it came to relationships and the dating life. DeRay had to give a warning to all couples before he came out because he was so raw. HILARIOUS!!!

Gary Owen, The “White Boy” of the crew came out like NSYNC or Backstreet Boys as he dance in front of the mic to Chris Brown’s intro to Beautiful People and then ended it with a strong “Jersey Shore” fist pump. His show was a more about him personally and his Black Panther fathered wife and his kids. He stayed true to his experiences with traditional “black” food like sweet potato vs pumpkin pie and Chitterlings. LMAO …my stomach was hurting, from laughing so hard.  

Corey Holecomb entered the stage with a full bottle of Courvoiser, he told Yo Mama jokes with a sip in between every one of them. He reminded me of that drunk uncle that comes to family gatherings and puts it all out on the table, and he did just that. He talked about the side chicks, the dimes, and then the not so fines. By the end on his set his bottle was half full and he tried his best to walk a straight line off stage.  By this time my mascara had run.

DeRay closed the show by bringing out all the comedians and they roasted Michale Blackson for his birthday. It was a gut clenching, ball busting, mascara running, HILARIOUS NIGHT!!

The VIP AFTER PARTY sponsored by Courvoiser, included DeRay,  Big Tigger, the Allstars, and a selected group in a private ballroom. Big Tigger was again the DJ and Beam Global the supplier of Courvoiser hosted the evening with anti-pasta  hors dervs and complimentary Courvoiser cocktails. “The Pink Slipper”, Champagne and Courvoiser Rose was my drink of choice. It was a collective group of many, most were friendly and some were shy. Before the night ended we were able to  have a meet a greet with Gary Owen, who was down to earth and fun to talk to and then grabed a quick pic with Big Tigger who was not so cool….No Bueno….but thanks anyway!!!


Girls Night Out!!


Thanks to Beam Global for the tickets my sister and I had a ball!!!

The Lady Defined (2011) by Stacey Glass

Lady Diana

What is a Lady?  Baby girls are born with “pink” as their signature color. And like that color they are soft, sweet, and lovely. They are dressed like dolls in dresses and bows and are taught to be polite and pleasant. As they grow up they may hear little sayings like “act like a lady” or “sit like a lady”.

But as they grow to be women do they become ladies? What defines a lady? How can she be a woman and not a lady? Through out time women have been placed in boxes and examined from the outside in. Women generally are defined by their physical appearance, by the way they dress, how they speak, and what they know. Out of all the species, women are the most examined on a daily basis; from walking down the street, entering a board room, wearing a uniform, to posing in a magazine or acting on a stage or television. But when it comes to a lady, society has redefined and redesigned her so many times, that women have lost the basic understanding of what she is. So what is the proper definition of a lady? Who is she and what does she do that earns her this title?

First Lady Michelle Obama
Today’s Reality. Today women work hard to get ahead, the typical house wife does not exist and we have “The Real Housewives of were ever” to thank. Women are judges, soldiers, athletes, CEOs, actors, rock stars and rappers. They are seen and heard! You can find them anywhere from the mall to the football field; there is nothing a man can do that a woman isn’t scared of doing these days. 
Ladies of the Cup

Television shows us the Good; that women are strong and independent, that they are fearless and uncommon; motivating our girls to become lawyers and doctors, to be educated, classy, and sophisticated. 

Clair Huxtable

But it also shows the bad and the ugly; that women are reckless, insecure, selfish, spoiled brats. It turns sex tape queens, nude models, and strippers into house hold names and multi billion dollar enterprises.

What made her famous?!?

 Babies having babies, getting breast implants, and having rappers, playboy models, and strippers as idols. Is this appropriate?

The High School Pregnancy Pact

Women.  Today they are portrayed and displayed as bullies, broads, and bitches. They are foul mouthed, fighting, hair pulling, one night standing, three some having, cheaters. They are drunks, addicts, and hoes. Their hair, eyes eyelashes, lips, breasts, and butts are not their own. At least that’s what the “Bad Girls Club”, “Bridezillas”, and “Desperate Housewives”exemplifies.

What you dont want to bring home to Mom!

Where is our Wonder Woman or Bionic Woman? Even Oprah has gone of public television. I’m assuming that this is not the kind of woman a man wants to bring home to mom and dad. This is not someone he would want to bring home to his child or maybe even pet. If you can’t be a lady at least try to act like one!  

Appearance. Men love a nice waist and a pretty face!! But once you open your mouth, how do you really look? Are you polite? Are please and thank you common in your vocabulary? Practice makes perfect. As a lady you are attractive inside and out. You smile and look people in the eye. People enjoy your presence because you are pleasant to be around. You are confident yet humble, sober-minded, and courteous. You speak with integrity. You don’t take things personally, you don’t make assumptions, and you always do your best.

Lady of Words!

As a lady, you are well put together. Your clothing fits without being tight, labels don’t mean a thing, especially if you can fit them, but they do help. You can walk into a bar or church and never be out-of-place. Your appearance is timeless. Jewelry is tasteful not gaudy. Make-up is natural and not plastered. Perfume is pleasant, not over powering. Skin is moisturized from head to toe; no ashy heals or elbows, nails are buffed or polished, and legs and arms are free from hair. Don’t wear heals if you don’t know how to walk in them, make sure they fit, and that your toes don’t hang over the front; don’t wear hats that’s don’t fit your head, and bras are a requirement not an option when out in public. Have you ever heard the saying, “It’s better to be overdressed than underdressed”?  

Lady of Style

Creativity.  Here is where the line can be crossed but with caution….tattoos, piercings, un-natural hair colors, plastic surgery, and veneers. When done tastefully you won’t end up looking like … “A HOT MESS”.  


Effort.  If you have notice lately most chefs are men, why is that? It seems like the average woman does not know her way around the kitchen anymore. There’s nothing wrong with knowing how to cook or bake. “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach!”

Great Place to Start!!

Most men love sports, working out, and or traveling. Try to learn the rules and plays of the game, it’s always in your best interest to be fit, and learning a new language or culture just boosts your star power.

At the Game!!!

It’s a silent rule that women are allowed to be 15 min late, but try your best to stay within that time frame. Know the rules of etiquette and hopefully he does too. Accept assistance when offered; like when he opens the door, offers his hand or arm, and when pulling out your seat. When sitting feet should be planted on the ground or legs crossed at the ankles. “Please” and “Thank you” are always nice. When walking take his arm and always walk on the furthest side away from traffic. For your safety always carry enough money for dinner and a taxi, let someone know with whom and where you are going, and if it’s a first date, meeting some where is also ok.

Conversation. Put anything and everything away that will cause distractions (cell phones, Ipods, newspapers, magazines). In most dinning rooms cell phone conversations are prohibited so ringers off unless you have children. Always look him in the eyes, and give him your full attention. Don’t spend the night talking about your self. Never talk about money, politics, or religion until a true relationship (friendship/ love affair) has been established. Don’t yell and don’t laugh loudly; you never bring unwanted attention to yourself. Listen, don’t interrupt, don’t argue, don’t curse, and don’t lose your temper.

Lady of Talk!

Manners: Once seated place your napkin in your lap. Get a basic understanding of wine, and know your limit. Do not eat until everyone is served and when using your utensils work from the outside in. Desert spoon and fork sit above your plate. Know how to cut your food and eat off your utensils. Know what are finger foods (crab legs, peel and eat shrimp, and chicken wings) …not everything is proper to eat with fork. Chew with your mouth closed, and no talking. No picking at your teeth or playing in your hair. Elbows are never on the table. Keep your complaints to a minimum and always be courteous to your wait staff. Know when to say good night. Never drink and drive. If you are a smoker, only smoke if he does…NO ONE LIKE TO KISS AN ASH TRY. Drugs are never appropriate.   

The Classic Lady!

If you are not a lady at least try to act like one, its ideal, but again the bar has been set. How well do you measure up? Here are some of the many examples of a Lady. No one is perfect but at time they can act like one!!!

Lets go to the Opera By Stacey Glass

But first lets get a little education!!

Opera 101 @ The Atlanta Opera Center.

It’s now fall and time to enjoy the finer things in life, indoors. Why not try something new, like the Opera?  The Atlanta Opera is presenteing Lucia di Lammermoor November 12th, 15th, 18th, and the 20th.  Do you know anything about the Opera? Do you know anything about Lucia di Lammermoor? Why not learn a little about it before going. The Atlanta Opera offer a class called Opera 101.  that will teach about the history, background, and story line of Lucia di Lammermoor. Carter Joseph is the teacher and has been an opera aficionado and Atlanta Opera Board Member for many years. ANDS IT FREE!!!! Try something new!! I hope to see you there!! NOVEMBER 7, 2011 @ 7PM

Monday November 07, 2011

7 p.m.

The Atlanta Opera Center
1575 Northside Drive, NW,
Bldg. 300, Suite 350,
Atlanta, GA 30318

Reservations are requested. Call 404.343.7016 or email

Generous Support Provided in part by:

Blue’s Girls Night Out with Marsha Ambrosius & Miguel by Stacey Glass


Dutchess Blue’s Girls Night Out!

So we meet up for pre concert drinks in Atlantic Station, carpool over to Center Stage, and then head to the front of the line. With “VIP” passes in hand we walk past a line of general admission ticket holders, that wraps around the corner….Thank You Grey Goose/ Bacardi USA . After picking up our Grey Goose armbands, we enter a crowd of many colorful outfits, hairdos, and lipsticks. I mean there was a women with a Red mohawk,  one with blue lipstick, and several men sporting the skinny jeans and tight cardigan sweater look….I know this is Atlanta, and we are a very  “eclectic” city, but this was a new side I have never really seen all together. This was a crowd of young and old, gay and straight, black and white, men and women, lovers and friends. We were all here to admire and appreciate two artists that have grown into stars in last 2 years……Who, you might be asking?  


Grey Goose Entertainment presents Rising Icons Marsha Ambrosius & Miguel. Marsha Ambrosius is best known from her role in the duo group Floetry,  for singing songs like  “Say Yes” & “It’s Getting Late”,  and for writing “Butterflies”,  for the late Michael Jackson. Miguel is best known for his eclectic style and his recent hits “Sure Thing” and “All I Want Is You”.

We had the best seats in the house, as we relaxed in the VIP Grey Goose Lounge, and sipped on our complementary Grey Goose beverages. Miguel started the show off with a live band of drums and guitars, a light show,  and a DJ. The light show performed off stage, while Miguel and his two guitarists danced in sync on stage.  His whole show displayed not only his talent of song but of dance too. His choreography had the influences of Prince, Raphael Saadiq, Michael Jackson, and even Morris Day and The Times. He performed with confidence and style and he dressed with confidence style. He truly made and effort and entertained the crowd.  And when he sang the hook of  Wale’s “Lotus Flower Bomb”, in acapella…… it ran chills down my spine.  “The Boy Can SANG”!  And I can’t say that for every artist that sings live. After his show,  he was nice enough to do a meet and greet. As a Grey Goose VIP, we were able to take pictures and chat for a brief moment. He appeared very humble and thanked us for coming to the show. 

Marsha Ambrosius & Miguel Concert

After the meet and greet we stopped off at the Grey Goose Bar to refresh our complementary Grey Goose beverages and to our surprise…



Now Back to the show!

We returned to our seats and watched a slim, long-haired,  pantless Marsha Ambrosius strut out on stage. She appears to be the very thing she displays in music…DARRING, SENSUAL, SEXUAL…with nothing on, but a pair of paten leather nude platforms and a white long sleeve button down, the outfit’s only effort was to cover her unspeakables while glorifying her long toned  legs.  She stood in front of a personalized M shaped piano and stood behind a light changing mic stand, and during a montage of songs, flashes of Purple Rain played on large screens on both sides of her. It was a very intimate show.  She sang and played for the crowd while the crowd sang back to her, they knew every song.  As a one woman show she reached every note and held her pitch. She danced and played with the crowd. She sang songs from her new album and songs from Floetic and Flo’Ology, she even broken down and started rapping with DJ’d songs by South artist like Ace Hood, Jeezy, and T.I. It was a great show for everyone!! As the show ended she saluted the crowed and said good-bye!!

Taken by DJ Blak Magic

Thank You Grey Goose!

Marsha was also kind enough to do a meet and greet! She signed albums, tickets, and photographs and when it was our chance to take pictures she was nice enough to even autograph my phone. We talked for a brief moment and she managed to let me know that her favorite drink was Grey Goose Le Poire and Sprite, with a twist of Lime. She also thanked us for coming to the show and we said good-bye!!

My Autographed Phone Case!!

 Thank You Grey Goose/ Bacardi USA, thank you Marsha Ambrosius, thank you Miguel  it was truly a lovely evening!!



*We took photos with Miguel but I am still waiting for them to be posted.

The True Blue Gentleman by Stacey Glass


What is a gentleman? When a child is born they are automatically defined by a color. Boys are Blue & Girls are Pink.  But as they grow do they stand true to their defined colors. Do boys grow up to be men and act like gentlemen and do girls grow to up to be women and act like ladies? Who defines what a true gentleman or lady is? Over centuries we have had many examples of what is accepted in society and how an individual is supposed to act. So what defines a true blue gentleman? How is he truly supposed to act?

 Todays Reality. In recent years, men seem to have forgotten or have never learned the simple rules of etiquette.. manners.. public discipline. These days,  the role models for young men have shown them that its ok to call women “Bitches and Hoes”,  be permiscuous, not take of their fatherly responsibilties, alternative lifestyles, and wear tight skinny jeans that hang off their butts, showing their boxers,  when in reality they look a hot mess.

The Role Models

Who said this was ok?

boo on the skinny jeans

Why is this ok?

Pure example...HOT MESS!

If you’re not a successful singer/rapper,  model/actor, doctor/ lawyer, or businesses owner, as a man you have now been portrayed as a lazy,video gamer, willing to live off  your women. What happened to the time when men actually  dressed? They took pride in their appearance; ties, wingtips, and fedoras. They studied hard and worked even harder. Their goals were to find a wife, start a family, and become partner. (Sounds like the typical dream from the 1950’s).  


Women. What (MOST) women want is a gentleman. One that opens doors, holds umbrellas, and offers his arm while taking a stroll. (Wow …I’m starting to sound like an old-fashioned lady) But in all reality these simple things are what makes a woman feel special, appreciated, and valued.  Here is what most women look for in a gentleman:

Appearance. It’s attractive to see a man with confidence, but not conceded, a man that makes an effort in his appearance (hair, body, dress). I love a man in a tux or a suit, but jeans a polo, and some clean sneaks are also nice. When he knows how to dress the part….a tuxedo for the ballet, a suit for dinner, or jeans and polo/ t-shirt for a base-ball game… it helps a woman notice his pride in himself. Every man should know how to tie a tie, and wear a handkerchief, and cufflinks, a pen and lighter are also key components to every outfit even if he dosen’t smoke. Socks should match your shirt, belt should match your shoes. Shoes should be clean and not worn down. Hair should be cut and combed. Face should be well maintained clean-shaven or trimmed properly that includes nose, ears, and eyebrows. It’s ok for men to get masages, facials, manicures and pedicures. (This does not define you as a metro sexual). Cologne is always accepted but keep it to a volume.  

True Blue Gentleman

Creativity. A woman looking for a gentleman is not looking at your wallet, she is looking at how you spend your time, how you treat your self and your family, how you set your goals. As a man of low-income, dating can be a challenge, but most of the time so is getting what you want. Even men with wealth must become creative and step outside the orignal dating box. That doesn’t mean going to the nearest fast food restaurant or getting the two for one deal at your neighborhood bar and grill. An idea  like a home cooked meal that  the two of you cook together or writing her a song (only if you can sing)….will make your date one to remember… meaning…What measures will you take to get the lady? Women like to swept off their feet, the typical movie and dinner is so dated, women do that alone or with their girlfriends now a days. 

Effort. It’s courteous for a man to always be on time,  tardiness shows no respect for her time. Pulling out a lady’s chair when sitting down to dinner, or offering one’s chair when non are available is a true sign of respect. Do things like..stand up when she steps away from the table and when she returns. Hold her coat for her to put it on, and the door while entering and exiting a building or vehicle.  Also holding an umbrella on a rainy day, will score you points, and walking on the street side of traffic will show your concern for her safety. On a first date, giving her something of sentiment, like a rose, shows that you are interested. (I am not talking about a dozen rose … that just makes you look desperate).

Conversation. Put anything and everything away that will cause distractions (cell phones, Ipods, newspapers, magazines). Women like your full attention, they like to talk about their life and whats going on in it, but at the same time they don’t what your feed back to the point of you solving their problems. Listen, don’t interrupt, don’t argue, don’t curse, and don’t lose your temper.

Manners: With the proper table settings, work from the outside in, starting with the salad fork and knife. Learn how to properly eat and cut your food and taste and drink wine. If ordering a bottle of wine or champagne, always ask the lady what she prefers. Know what are finger foods (crab legs, peel and eat shrimp, and chicken wings) …not everything is proper to eat with fork. The napkin goes in your lap as soon as you sitdown, and when you get up, fold and place it on the table. Chew with your mouth closed, and no talking. Know your drinking limits. And know when you have had too much to drink. Never drink and drive. Only smoke after asking permission…..NO ONE LIKES TO KISS AN ASH TRAY. Drugs are NEVER appropriate.   

Its ideal, but the bar has been set. How well do you measure up? There are many examples of this so-called “ideal man” but in truth they are all true to the Blue and none the less a Gentleman.

True Blue Gentleman

“If the gentleman has ability, he is magnanimous, generous, tolerant, and straightforward, through which he opens the way to instruct others. ” Xun Zi

President Barak Obama

James Dean

Richard Gere

Denzel Washington


Nat King Cole

*theses are only a few of my favorite men, they are not perfect, but put them together they are a true example of what a gentleman should be.

*I am not a hatter of rap. I have a fair share in my own collection of Lil’Wayne, Eminem, and Busta Rhyms

*GQ (some photos)

*Allen Shaw

My Blue Heaven! by Stacey Glass

Most women love shiny things like jewlery…diamonds, platinum, and gold…..dont get me wrong I do too!!! But when it comes to my love of shiny things…its made of steel, leather, and rubber with at least 300 hp…… it purrs real nice and is easy on the eyes. …..If you have yet to catch a  clue…..I am talking about CARS. New School. Old School. Even Concept Cars. Also including SUVs, and anything else that can get me to my desired destination.

When it comes to being a groupie, celebrities really don’t do it for me, but depending on what they pull up in….now that just might get me a little excited. ….. I, myself, drive a 2006, New Edition, Dodge Charger R/T Hemi, in Midnight BLUE Pearl, with added air exhaust (Flow Master) and 22′ (Huntington) rims. (Thanks Wayne from Butler Tire in Marietta , GA)

From a young age I have always been an admirer of cars. For most of my life my Dad drove every type of Z made (240Z, 280ZX, 300ZX) until Nissan discontinued it in the States, to only produce it in Japan. But with the help of my lovely sister, to this day she has helped keep my enthusiasm alive. We have watched James Bond drive Alfa Romeo’s, Magnum P.I. drive that fire engine red 308 GTB Ferrari, and Vin Diesel drive my lovely Charger in Fast 5…

My Top 5 Favorite Porsche Movies

  1. True Romance
  2. Gone in 60 Seconds
  3. Transformers
  4. 48 Hours
  5. Risky Business

…then one day my Uncle Ira pulled up in a Silver Bullet, A 944 Porsche Turbo….OMG! ..It was love at first sight and since then I have stood in aww, admiring the craftmanship of this lovely brand….Porsche.

To this  day my love for Porsche still rings true, when the new 2012 911 Carrera and Carrera S (Dark BLUE metalic) were revealed at the Frankfurt car show in September 2011, once again my groupie giddiness became obvious. I must say, this is truly a beautiful car, with lots of options and lots power. 

Porsche has made progressive efforts in reducing fuel consumption and emissions and it’s new design has not only improved the aerodynamics of the car but also its performance. It was a great car, now made AWESOME. Porsche has put details into small things like head lights and tail pipes, and more prominent things like wheel wells and a wider extendable rear spoiler. What they have done to this car is truly amazing, at you can have a tour of the car inside and out; even the chance to hear the variation of each car’s engine. (911 vs S)

Available December 3, 2011

The 911 Carrera 3.4 liter engine, 350 hp @ 7,400 rpm. 0-60 mph: 4.6 seconds. Top track speed 179 mph MSRP $82,100 

The 911 Carrera S- 3.8 liter engine, 400 hp @ 7,400 rpm. 0-60 mph: 4.1 seconds. Top track speed 188 mph MSRP $96,400

*smaller engine helps reduce fuel consumption

My other favorites of the Porsche family are the 2011 Panamera and the 2011 Cayenne Turbo.  In the last year Porsche has been the front-runner in sales with both of these front engine vehicles. Visit your local dealership for more details and a highly suggested test drive.

2011 Panamera ** I love Love LOVE this car!!!

2011 Cayenne **I looooooooooooooove this SUV!!!





Bonjour Mon Cheri de Bleu…By Stacey Glass

J’adore Bleu de Chanel!!!

There is nothing like embracing a man with Bleu de Chanel on, only to walk away with his scent!!  And like the color Blue I am also a fan of a nice smelling man. Growing up and still today my Dad has always worn nice smelling cologne. I, myself, have been a Chanel fan since the age of 9, when my Dad bought my first bottle of perfume, Chanel No. 5. As I have grown in to the lovely lady that I am today, I have expanded my favorites list to Coco Mademoiselle, Chance, & Allure. My favorite scent of a man for the past year has been Bleu de Chanel; others include Chanel’s Allure Homme Sport and . 

Blue de Chanel:

In August of 2010, Chanel released it latest men’s fragrance Blue de Chanel, presenting it as fresh and modern with a woodly aromatic fragrance; with notes of citrus ( bergamot, lemon, grapefruit), Deep Blue Sea accord, peppermint, pink peppercorn, nutmeg, ginger, jasmine, cedar, vetiver, patchouli, lavender, and incense. Remarkably designed by Chanel’s master blender Jacques Polge.

Blue de Chanel has the ability to transform a man’s sent and produce a fragrance that will hypnotize women with every breath. It’s impressionistic! In the opening and heart of Bleu de Chanel, the notes seem to move into each other’s space, bleeding into one another in a “watercolor” fashion — peppermint nudges grapefruit, mixing a hint green menthol into oily, yellow peel; flecks of grated nutmeg and ground pink peppercorn float on clear, ginger juice. The control Polge has over its ingredients and his ability to make the same “watercolor” (spontaneous-smelling) affects reappear with every application gives it the classy and yet timeless effect.*

You will not be disappointed and neither will those around you. People will compliment and ask what are you wearing ….

and simply you say… BLUE.

For any occasion, holiday’s or birthday’s,  if you are in search of something to by a Man….

I highly suggest Bleu de Chanel.

Dad’s, Brothers, Lovers….even your male boss will love this.

One suggestion: to smell this fragrance on a piece of paper does not do it justice. It must be applied by hand fresh out of the shower, while the pores are open.

*Inspired by Kevin S. of Now Smell This (

2013 in review with NO Posts and still got over 4,000 visitors

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 4,700 times in 2013. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 4 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

Ida B. Jimmerson May 24, 1928 – April 25, 2012

Ida Beatrice Flowers – Jimmerson

May 24, 1926 – April 25, 2012

 Ida Beatrice Flowers – Jimmerson was the fifth daughter of Reverend Harold and Mary Flowers. There were eight girls and three boys in the Flowers Texas clan. Born inBryant,TexasIda was that extraordinary daughter and sister that every family would love to have. She was the first in her family to graduate high school, fromA&MConsolidatedHigh Schoolin 1943. And then graduated fromFranklinBeautyCollegeinHouston,Texasin 1945. But not without great sacrifices, upon her  high school graduation she expressed to her mother, Mary, that she wanted to go to beauty college. Ida wanted more success and achievement in her life and her mother understood her daughter’s determination. By taking on more washing to her work load as a maid and caring for the family, Ida said sometimes she would only have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or sardines and crackers to eat for the day. Her determination to create a successful business earned  her enough money to come toKansas City,MO.She worked then as a beautician in the shop of woman name Margaret.  Where Miss Margaret taught Ida the management and success of owning a beauty shop. From what she made Ida B. would send money home to her mother every week, enough to repay her for schooling and even more for extra support. She learned to understand the principles of the “cash cow” management in business. 

Ida B. opened her beauty her first shop on 10th Vine in 1952 and would attend beautician workshops to learn more about her trade. The Ida’s Beauty Shop had three work stations and Ida became the beautician who was on call as much as a doctor, working a regular 10-12 hour day and even holidays. At a young age, Marquetta,  saw her mother sew a line of hair onto a customer’s hair around 1957, and in 1969 Ida received her certificate for hair-weaving from the Original Hairweavers, Inc. in Hewlett, N.Y. Ida B. became famous for her finger-waves, which were known to last for up to  two weeks or more. Her work ethic could sometimes be considered excessive and working too hard was the one thing Ida was guilty of for many years. For 66 years she worked until her legs became too weak to allow her to stand at the bowl to wash another head of hair.

 Ida B. purchased her first home in 1960 and established her second beauty salon. She purchased her second home in 1977 and opened her third beauty salon. She retained 85% of her clientele with each new location. She knew she would need to supplement her income later in life so she rented the first home. She then purchased the duplex of her parents from her brothers and sisters to create additional savings. During this time she married and divorce Henry Jimmerson. While their union ended they never loss respect for each other. After the divorced she moved into the duplex in 1996 and built her fourth and last beauty shop. She had customers who celebrated over 50 years of service with Ida. B. Her shops were sometimes used for celebrations and special tea parties her daughter would have with very special ladies who came to get the best curls and finger waves in Kansas City. Ida B. retired from her beauty shop services as a beautician in 2011 after her 85th birthday. She really missed her customers and they missed her. Miss Ida as her customers would call her would take her curling irons and pressing combs anywhere she could be of service. During her final days she would ask about getting her done everyday. When her daughter Marquetta pinned curled her hair she inspected the curls and said “you did a good job”. “Thank you my daughter”!

 Ida B. learned to save money the way her mother Mary and Miss Margaret taught her. By understanding the leverage of creating cash savings Ida B. was able to move three sisters and help two brothers come toKansas City,MO.She made sure they had a place to live and food to eat and assisted in finding them work. The first sister to live with Ida B. and her daughter was Hazel. This love for family represents how Ida B. would choose to create life long legacies that would be a blessing for others throughout her adult years and she became the matriarch of her family. 

 Born of a minister, Ida and Hazel, joined their first church inKansas Cityon Christmas Eve in 1950 atHighlandBaptistChurch. They knew their Mother Mary would expect them to have a church home where to this day their hearts and souls are planted in Jesus Christ. She was rooted inHighlandBaptistChurchand  blossomed inMetropolitanBaptistChurch. Ida was a woman of God and loved the LORD with all her heart and soul. She has had only one church in her adult lifeMetropolitanMissionaryBaptistChurchand was a strong and loyal supporter.  Ida served in several leadership roles including the Hostess Ministry, Mission Ministry, and Women’s Bible Study. She wrote speeches for special occasions and was known as a woman who could deliver a powerful message on faith before it was recognized that women had a right to serve as ministers. Although she did not learn to drive until 1977, she would take a cab to church every Sunday. If required she would take two cabs to return to special programs and events. Ida made sure her daughter had a chance to participate in the church and learn the responsibility of serving God first. Ida would call her daughter Marquetta and son Herman every Sunday morning at 6:30 am to wake them up to get ready for church. This weekly ritual continued for 38 years until she broke her arm the weekend of Thanksgiving 2011.

 Ida was known to be a fancy woman of designer attire on Sundays. During the 1950’s she and her daughter would ride the bus to go shopping on Mondays. They would have so many bags a cab would be needed to bring them home. She always dressed up to go shopping so she could be treated with a level of respect during a time when people of color could only make purchases in segregated sections of the store. When Ida B. decided to make a large purchase she always planned ahead. One Saturday morning she called her daughter Marquetta and told her she wanted to purchase a new coat. When Marquetta arrived she told her she wanted a new fur coat and directed her to drive downtown. After arriving at the store and trying on several coats Ida B. made her final selection. She requested her daughter to try on the coat stating that they would both wear the coat. She then promptly told the salesman to wrap the coat up.  Ida turned to Marquetta and told her to write a check for the full amount. Marquetta whispered in her mother’s ear, do you have enough money to cover this check? Ida responded with an affirmative yes. She said “a lady always keeps a little cash on hand”. The last purchased they made together was a beautiful white hat with rhinestones. Mother Ida Jimmerson said it was important for mothers on the “Mother Board of MMBC to look their best.

 Ida B. was known as a “Prayer Warrior”. When you asked Ida to pray, she would say “now be patient watch the power of God begin to move”. Her daughter and granddaughters would often call her for prayer on meetings, interviews, tests and she would say “Now I have already talked to the Lord, I have been on my knees.” She would always make time for payer. She believed in forgiveness. Ida B. was a true servant of prayer in the name of our LORD and Jesus Christ. “In Christ we can come before God with freedom and without fear. We can do this through faith in Christ.”  EPHESIANS 3:12

 Ida the “Mother and Grandmother (Grammy)” were her most beloved titles. She sacrificed willingly to ensure these daughters could exceed their dreams. She believed and supported their goals. When they slipped she would pray. When they achieved success she would pray. Ida made sure her girls understood giving back to others the community and the church. Herman Glass was always her son not just a son-in law. She never referred to him as my daughter’s husband. She delighted in taking his side when he would ask her to support him. She had a great sense of humor and she would make a statement that would cause you to think and laugh. Marquetta Glass (daughter), Marri and Stacey Glass (granddaughters) represent her ongoing legacy in the power of prayer. Mother and Grammy Ida has been a great teacher and supporter of prayer.

 Ida B Jimmerson leaves to continue her service of prayer through her daughter and son Marquetta and Herman Glass, granddaughters Marri and Stacey Glass, sisters Hazel Banks and Jean Carter, sister in-law Barbara Flowers, ex-husband Henry Jimmerson, and a host of nieces, nephews, great nieces and great-nephews. She was preceded in death by her mother-Mary Flowers, father-Harold Flowers, sisters – Helen, Enola Mae, Vera, Ester, and Marie, brothers- Clarence, Charles and Harold, brother-in-law Douglas Banks, step-grandson Damon Glass, and partner/friend- Alfred Keys.

 We thank you LORD JESUS CHRIST for the Favor of service you granted Ida B. Flowers-Jimmerson. We thank you our HEAVENLY FATHER for the Love and Protection you permitted us to experience through your servant Ida. We thank you FATHER GOD for the daily Blessings you gave through the prayers of your daughter Ida B. We thank you HOLY TRINITY for the Knowledge and Wisdom you gifted through Ida B. who taught everyone she knew how Praise and give Glory to your word. “Let the teaching of Christ live in you richly. Use all wisdom to teach and instruct each other by singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Everything you do or say should be done to obey Jesus your Lord. And in all you do, give thanks to God the Father through Jesus.” Colossians 3:16-17

 Special Thanks and Appreciation

Hazel Banks and Darin Banks you are truly a loving example of how to love and be of service. When Ida B.,  your sister and aunt needed, a home to transition in her final days you came to the table with open hearts and daily sacrifice to make it a comfortable and loving one.

 Heartland Hospice of Greater Kansas City – Ms. Flaurdine, Ms. Stacy, Nurse Carol and Nurse Joyce what an army of love you represent. The healing services came with prayer. We were able to create beautiful moments in Ida’s final days because of your care.

 Marion never waited to come to the table. Mother Ida Jimmerson enjoyed her days with you. You did not let the wheelchair or the distance of the nursing home prevent your love and service. Your patience was a gift that exceeded boundaries of today’s discipleship.

 Johnny and Dee Carpenter bless MMBC with the establishment of “Break-time” for seniors. Mother Jimmerson looked forward to her Wednesdays at church. She graduated from computer class with pride that she learned how to use a mouse. When the sound of a voice brings “JOY”, then you know there is a special place in the heart. Mother Jimmerson’s smile when she would hear your voice was a wonderful gift. You both  represent the spirit filled love and care of the Deacon Family

 Pastor Wallace Hartsfield II and Minister Amy Hartsfield we greatly appreciate the deep rooted prayers you provided during Mother Jimmerson’s last days. Thank you for sharing the legacy of Mother Jimmerson’s spiritual wisdom and her impact on your life and the church.

 Anita and Onita Lister, beloved cousins, Mother Jimmerson spoke of your love for MMBC Elders. She was honored to know of your loving care for your parents. She viewed your care taking as a shinning example of disciple service.

 Barbara Flowers you are the sister and aunt who we treasure everyday. It was an honor to take you and mother to the Oprah Show in Chicago. What a time we had. Your smiles, laughter, and tears of joy will remain in my heart. Thank you for choosing to take in the family.

 MMBC Family, Universal Family, & Loving Friends were grateful beyond words of expression. Thank you for being so kind and generous. “A joyful spirit is evidence of a grateful heart.”  MAYA ANGELOU